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GabeYoga, also known as Gabriel Azoulay, is a seasoned yogi, Thai healing arts master, and an embodiment of holistic living. With over a decade of experience in the world of wellness, GabeYoga has dedicated his life to unraveling the profound interconnectedness between practice, mindfulness, and the human spirit.
His yoga journey began with Ashtanga, a transformative practice that set the foundation for his exploration into the many dimensions of yoga. GabeYoga's quest for yogic wisdom has taken him on a journey around the world, weaving a tapestry of teachings that bridge diverse aspects of yoga. Pioneering Yin Yoga, his exploration ignited in 2001, shaping his practice and transforming countless lives. At the heart of GabeYoga's philosophy is the harmonious blending of diverse practices, emphasizing the timeless teachings of Patanjali Ashtanga. Grounded in 30 years of experience, his adjustments and support in Mysore programs guide each student's yoga journey with compassion and expertise. His global journey has enriched the worldwide yoga community, from the USA to Australia, Asia to Middle East,ย and he continues to inspire transformative experiences in Yoga with Retreats, Teacher Trainings and Studio support.ย 
GabeYoga's life and teachings encapsulate the beauty of human connection, uniting diverse practices under the benevolent sky of yoga's transformative power.


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